Keynes, the Man

Keynes, the Man

“To sum up Keynes: arrogant, sadistic, power besotted bully, deliberate and systemic liar, intellectually irresponsible, an opponent of principle, […] and a fascist. Outside of that I guess he was a great guy.” – Murray Rothbard

Hyperinflation, Money Demand, and the Crack-up Boom

Hyperinflation, Money Demand, and the Crack-up Boom

Is our economy on the verge of hyperinflation?

Austrian Capital Theory

Austrian Capital Theory

In a time of rampant Keynesianism and monetarism, perhaps one of the most illuminating contributions of the Austrian school is Austrian capital theory.

How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn’t

How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn’t

This week the Mises Circle will be diving into capital theory, and what better way to do that than through Irwin Schiff’s classic comic book, How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn’t!